GUIDED EDUCATIONAL TOURSThey begin with a brief introduction to the museum and history of the community followed by a guided tour of the Settler Village buildings, artifacts and machinery. Activities can also be arranged to be added to the tour.
During the month of June, we offer an educational, fun experience in a pioneer setting with a program designed to integrate with the elementary school Social Studies curriculum. It is a great opportunity for a field trip!Teachers should bring 1 adult for every group of 6 students in their class. A museum guide will accompany each group and the discussion can be focused on any areas of interest the teacher would like to see covered. There is a charge of $1.00 per person payable on the day of the tour.The Melfort & District Museum offers Theme Boxes to loan. We offer units on: SETTLERS (2 theme boxes)ABORIGINAL AND MULTICULTURALISMAGRICULTUREThese theme boxes are geared towards elementary classrooms and can be loaned out for semesters at a time. If you are interested in using one or more of the theme boxes we offer, please contact us. 306 752 5870
Teachers should bring 1 adult for every group of 6 students in their class. A museum guide will accompany each group. There is a charge of $1.00 per person payable on the day of the tour.
Are you a teacher? You may book your tour by calling the Museum or clicking the “Book School Tour” button below
The Melfort & District Museum offers Theme Boxes on loan-ABORIGINAL AND MULTICULTURALISM-AGRICULTUREBe sure to call the Melfort & District Museum to find out more about booking a school tour. (306 752 5870)